merry Christmas Hal, you embody the steps and teachings and I hope you have a good new year one day at a time.

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Hey Charles. So nice to hear from you! Let me know next time you're in the area. I'd love to see you. All the best in 2025. H

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Peace on earth ❤️. Merry Christmas Mr Hal. Your writing is so nourishing ❤️.

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Thank you Emma. I can't wait to see what you write. ❤️

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Thanks Hal, Merry Christmas, and to the ever-dawning of spirit in our hearts.

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Thanks for being here, Marc. All the best in 2025. H

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I love how songs get remixed, reinterpreted and reimagined over the years.

A song by Bonnie Light Horsemen, "Jane, Jane", incorporated part of this - here is a link to the song on Bandcamp:


Wishing you peace, strength and love in the New Year!

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Ooo. I like that! Thanks for sharing. h

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Hey Hal, would it be OK for me to play your version of this song on the radio on Monday? It's so awesome and I'd love to bring you some joy! Just LMK. Miss seeing you and hearing what's up but I'm glad to see you are still posting on Substack. Big holiday hugs and peace and joy to you.

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That would be fine, Jodi. Let me know if I can help. So nice to hear from you. I miss LWS…. I’ll stop by sometime soon. I used to go 3 times a day. It’s amazing how much writing that helped me get done. H

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Hey Hal. I'm on the air right now. Well, actually, it's This American Life. But I'm going to play your piece sometime during the next hour if you want to hear yourself live on the radio.

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Hi Jodi. Sorry I missed this, Thanks for letting me know. H

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Hi Hal. Sorry I came down with the dreaded virus and didn't do my show last week. I'll get it on next Monday. You can stream it live if you'd like at kglt.net (listen live button). I'll be on from 9-noon Mountain Time but the first hour is "This American Life" so I won't be playing music until 10 a.m. Can't tell you exactly when I'll play your song but I'll try to get it on in that first hour (10-11 my time). Hope you are doing well. I was hit pretty hard but am on the mend. Hugs!!

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