Mar 12Liked by Hal Walker

It’s funny how things go. That was our first song transformed from a poem I had written. And recently, I placed the verses at the onset of a larger prose piece also filled with unanswerable questions, and foreshadowing of things I was going to feel that made no sense. Similar but different to your struggle. Song and poetry capture more than we can know.

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Thank you so much for sharing this song and your thoughts! I think our souls sing a song, make music, for as long as they exist, and that's forever.

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Mar 12Liked by Hal Walker

Beautiful I was just flying with her she eased my aching anf throbbing

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Hal, your words, your music , your questions, and your struggle always elevate me to a different plane of contemplation. Not sure I always want to go there, but I must. Thank you, my friend

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What a beautiful song! My husband and my ex-husband are both songwriters and I appreciate the gift that you all have. Spotify just turned me on to Nick Drake. As I need my “sick” music I’ve ventured into more mellow and acoustic music. His music is haunting and he sadly had a tragic life. But we know how that goes.

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Mar 12Liked by Hal Walker

Thank you, dear Hal, for sharing your voice & music to the ocean, to the stars, to us!

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Mar 12Liked by Hal Walker

Thank you for lifting this great song out of the vault, Hal. It is haunting and lovely. The mysterious foreshadowing in writing, mentioned by Margot, is ripe for contemplation.

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