Jan 27Liked by Hal Walker

Mmm your voice. Your voice. Your voice has always been yummy, but perhaps this illness has opened up even more tender, open-hearted resonance in your voice. Thank you for the letter ❤️

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Dear Hal, I'm smiling deeply after reading this. So happy you're taking this step to let yourself tell your hidden truths. Every single person on this earth has hidden aspects of themselves - some hidden from others, some even from themselves. This is why I write, to find what's hidden, to learn to love it all. You've got this. We've got you.

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Jan 28Liked by Hal Walker

You will never go missing Hal, because your resonant voice has found its way into our souls and settled in our hearts. Your songs have found a root there. I remember when you played in my parents living room, and my mother, who was then pre-Alzheimer’s cheered you on with such adoration. You sang on my wedding day and in the hospital where my brother lay motionless for weeks. I remember your and Jps epic harmonica jams that would close out the local Kent gigs and rock the house you shared. Even the fruit flies were a-buzz with the rhythm and the wheat grass grew taller. Your music and voice has been a part of the brighter, happier times in my life and has helped me through the saddest. Even when solemn in tone, your voice is a healer. I hope you keep singing and writing Hal. And Thank you for always showing up just as you are.

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Jan 27Liked by Hal Walker

Memories are so good I find... So much life I lived and still do it's just different.

I used to smoke a lot! In the end I was smoking a marshmallow leaf blend from the health store to kick the nicotine. Gee that stuff made my chest hurt. So happy to be free of smoking :) it's been 10yrs now, plus 14yrs clean and sober and 3yrs abstinent... Way to go 😊

My own exp of going missing is I'm being found, by me and by God. Sometimes the thought of being 'back out there' is disappointing.. But that doesn't mean I don't want it and am healing one day at a time to experience it. I won't go back out anywhere near the same as how I was when I left.. The change and growth is incredible I'm a good person, never really felt that before x

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Hi Hal , I have just had a nap it was very nice . I woke up early to have an early morning swim ( Doctor’s orders) . He is going to be really pleased that I went as I told him I doubted I would . I saw my favourite lifeguard, my old yoga buddy and my aquacise / legs bums and tums instructor . It was so lovely . I am not doing much today except read and that’s enough . Tomorrow , I will do more . I have an invitation to lunch at my neighbour’s house . We are great friends and have known each other for more than 20 years . There are things we have in common but we are so different , but the commonality is kindness and we have plenty of that to give each other . She has cats and a little dog who she adores .I am their Aunty . My pets were my son’s Guinea pigs who I loved . Now I just like being an Aunty as I dream of going away more and don’t want to feel tied down .

I think honesty is great , I don’t have a juicy take to tell you, not that there aren’t any , but I can’t think of one at the moment . I saw a photo of a man today in Facebook memories who used to send me Turkish songs to listen to . They were really moving . I couldn’t understand one word , yet I did understood the strong emotion in them . The guy did not speak English , yet he knew I would appreciate the music . He had a little bird which used to sit on his shoulder and he was kind to stray dogs who used to come and sit with him . His music and his photos told me more about him than any words .

I stole some sweets from a little shop when I was 8 , we made little badges to wear in our cardigans, held in position , by Kirby grips that said PP ( pickpocket ) we thought that was the nature of the crime . I used to miss school and tell the bus driver I was on a course at the college so he would let me off . The day was spent at the chapter house in Salisbury Cathedral which is a beautiful place . I got away with it for a few times and felt like a mastermind .

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Jan 27Liked by Hal Walker

Dear Hal,

I am so touched by you. Be real, it’s all we have, it’s where our deepest beauty lies, and our humanity. May all blessings come your way. ❤️

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Jan 27Liked by Hal Walker

Hey Hal! Feel free to be free in your writing. No judgement here. Just be who you are since thats really all you can be. I have come to understand that we are not our bodies, or what happens to us, nor our past. We are more than we know or understand. There is a consciousness that we are all a part of that is bigger and better than all and really is all. May peace, love, and understanding come to you in abundance. Namaste brother.

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Jan 27Liked by Hal Walker

Thank you, Hal. My mum supports me still, like your dad does for you. She might not have a body, she loves me anyway.

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Your memory of smoking in the back of a greyhound bus resonates deeply. I, too, was once a 2-3 cigarette a-day smoker in my twenties. Mostly when I was traveling, mostly when I was dating my French boyfriend or waiting for the bus. I still miss it, sometimes. The sense of instant community when you ask someone for a light or all stand in the alleyway for a few moments together.

Thank you for sharing your stories and helping us remember ours. 💗

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Brother you continue to create legacy with every sound every word every thought. you will never go missing. much LOVE To you

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Hal Walker

I fondly remember the fun and poignant songs you would sing to my girls, myself, and the others at UUCA when my girls were young. Such inspiration! We all love you Hal, and you will never be forgotten even if you go missing. In case you don't recognize my name, I was recently married. My former last name was Jentner. Sending you love, light and prayer visualizations of comfort and sweetness back at you.

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Jan 28Liked by Hal Walker

Dearest Hal, You will forever live in my heart, remembering all the evenings of your shared music, even meeting up on the plane headed west! You have been a guiding light to so many through the years. I think of your strength & wisdom then remember I have nothing to complain of, even thought the others thought tend to grab & nourish me. Sending more love along the path to you, my friend!

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Hi Hal! Writing is so hard and tiring that I appreciate your efforts to pull us all together in this motley group. I kind of got dressed today and am going to try to walk the dog. I also am going to try and learn a bit more about Kintsugi (golden repair). I am taking an online class so I can teach it to my art therapy group. It’s been a bear trying to find a relatively nontoxic glue to use with this group of wheelchair bound folks with enough problems without me giving them a toxic material. Problems I say? Do I have problems? I am so grateful for what I can squeeze out of my day. I have groceries being delivered woohoo!

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I have never started reading a letter of tours and not been compelled to finish it in one sitting. So great, Hal.

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Jan 28Liked by Hal Walker

I am always interested in everything you write. Thanks for sharing your life with us. You and everyone who loves you are on the Prayer List at Unity Chapel of Light in Tallmadge. ♥️♥️♥️

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Jan 28Liked by Hal Walker

I haven't sent or gotten a handwritten letter in a long time, and it really felt like that. Love you.

No juicy details in this format, sorry- you're braver than I in that way!

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