May 27, 2023Liked by Hal Walker

I spoke to my friend Luigi this morning. He told me that every year he sees the same flower reborn outside his window. He said she is starting to wilt now. This morning he spoke with her. Then I read this. Thank you for your sharing the beauty and the sadness in your world.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Hal Walker

I planted an artichoke again this spring. One of the good things for me (Mother Nature- willing) will be watching those little babies grow this summer. 🥰

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Mar 16Liked by Hal Walker

Thanks, I needed this one today.

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I am a big believer in the power of gratitude. When I am feeling low or fearful, I do my "thank you therapy" for example: thank you for this laptop, thank you for this watch, thank you for this chair, thank you for this chair cushion, thank you for my flip flops - I just keep going until I have beaten my blues and/or fears. You can say these out loud or silently. Very helpful! Thank you for you!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Hal Walker

The man meeting sounds really satisfying-great idea

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May 28, 2023Liked by Hal Walker

Those were really nicely crafted images! The smell of KNF, for sure. Your narrative flow is really meditative & draws the listener in deep!The tree reminded me of the groovy haircut place that used to be in Kent, remember it was called the fringe tree? Please be careful on Melba!

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I love your mention of radical acceptance. It’s such a hard but necessary part of this disease, and maybe why others have such a hard time coping with our reality. It’s a practice, and why would someone else practice such a hard thing?

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May 27, 2023Liked by Hal Walker

You can’t tell us about a great scooter, and not tell us which one it is! What is Melba? Share so the rest of us with ME/CFS have a chance to think about that as an option for getting around.

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I can only imagine how everyone including myself would benefit from some presence-ing

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I live on the top of a hill that is so steep it has microclimates. I get to enjoy an extended spring as I walk up, passing gardens blooming week by week, block by block. Here at the top, my tulips have just crested and are starting to fade while my iris and blue poppy are setting buds.

Presenting sounds both awesome and terrifying, I imagine feeling safe and incredibly vulnerable at the same time. I’d love to hear more about it, what the guidelines are for sharing and responding.

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Thanks…the music you created is such a perfect accompaniment to your words.

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Thank you Hal for the inspiration to look for the good in life. Sometimes it’s easy but often it is a work to retrain and re-member this strange mind that seems to so easily separate and see what’s not good.

I’m happy to hear about your men’s circles and the connection that brings.

sending you love!

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Hugs!!!!!Ed and I are trying to use these 86 and 89 year old bodies. Glad we still keep trying!!!!

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