Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Once again, you’ve drawn me into your world, but this post was more raw; I could imagine living in your body (as much as a person without your challenges could). Your message is so important: Practice gratitude. Take time to smell the roses. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Repair past transgressions as much as possible so they don’t weigh you down.

You’ve spread so much joy with your words, music, and enthusiasm. I’d like to believe that all of that positive energy you’ve given to us will come back to you tenfold and allow for continued healing.

Sending ❤️

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Thanks so much, Suzanne. I'm glad we stumbled into each other on the "for you" page. :) H

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The whistle duet will always be a fave!

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

You have always been poetic in writing lyrics and now your honesty and expressiveness in your writing here still wows me. You are so loved, my friend.

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Thank you. Evelyn. :)

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Thanks for keeping it real, Hal, and for reminding me to sit under more trees. Sending love. ❤️

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You help me keep it real, Jo. ❤️

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

This is a beautiful, helpful piece of writing Hal. Your words are timed just right. Georg's father died this morning and we are sitting with the knowledge, the feelings not fully available just yet. You are helping me be closer to this moment and to you.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Ann, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please give my love to Georg, Elspeth, and Kathrin. Keeping the whole family in my prayers...

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Thank you so much Julie. I shared your message with Georg and he is glad to hear from you. We will pass along your message. It has not sunk in yet, but Papi has been declining rapidly in recent weeks. Georg got to visit last week so just saw him 3 days ago which is wonderful it worked out that way. He had already planned to go again in two weeks for his mother's birthday. You know what this is like. Big hug.

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Ann - Thank you two much. I recently watched a home movie in which Big Georg and Elspeth made an appearance. I feel so fortunate to have spent my early years next door to such an amazing family. H

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Ah the striving yep ✋ me me me ...

I've had more energy than a duracell bunny my whole life ... ( Coupled with a procrastinating sloth 😁 ..

Running on flight mode and I think fr my reading ADHD as well as an addict I've been a go getter and a go faster .. more college courses , university twice , various careers . Lived in 8 areas of the UK and ran about as a staff NUrse for several yrs . Oh whilst hiking for 5yrs and pushing my body up mountains when it didn't want to go . The CFS when did it start dunno but I can't run anymore , or walk beyond the garden .

This disease ( is it a disease ? ) Is the great teacher .... I've learnt how to sit for ages speaking to insects , look at a plant or tree for time , been in awe of a passing cloud and really feel what fresh air feels like .

When I was working ( running around on psychiatric wards with windows that would only open 5cm I dreamed to be living a more mindful life ..

Careful what u wish for girl ...

So, yep ' joy is an attitude ' ... And I get to choose ( doesn't always come so easy so need to work it ...

Mind u it never came so easy before I was always thinking something wasn't enough !

Peace is the space ...


I'm grateful .

I've witnessed a lot of people far younger than me get CFS ... Needing to leave school , college ...

Maybe never knowing all the things I have .

My life has been soooo rich . Of course it has I packed a life time into 25 yrs ! 😁

Healing and hope live side by side .

One day we will all be healed . Maybe it will come faster than we think Nd I'll be looking back and really seeing all the gifts and joy I was given .

Whatever this day brings Were alive , breathing with a spirit and love in the heart 💓 I have a better life than many in this world right now .

Nice wheelchair ...your out in the garden !

I like the art is it painted ?

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I need practice in -- "sitting for ages speaking to insects , looking at a plant or tree for time , being in awe of a passing cloud and really feeling what fresh air feels like." Thank you for sharing. h

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Mr Walker you've touched this being today ...

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Oh good. I did my job. Thank you for being there. ❤️

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Somehow, you manage to be honest about your pain without self-pity. That, in and of itself, is impressive. But on top of that, your writing is so real and so sweet that I want to read on and on. Thank you for the unvarnished look at a disease I don't know enough about. And for the positivity you manage to imbue it with.

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Wow. Thank you, Debra. This comment encourages me to keep writing. :)

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

I am still mourning the loss of no longer being able to work in over a year due to M.E. & other diagnosis'. Thank you for your emotional honesty. I was able to really understand the loss. I will try something different. I will just be. Thank you...

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I hear you, Lisa. If only "just being" were not so difficult. (for me)

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Hi Hal! Thank you for your work today. I needed to hear from someone to enjoy living in my body today. Today I looked in the mirror and was sad and disappointed with my body. I normally have lots of body love as I take care of my body and it serves me well. It gets me through life. Between the pandemic shut downs, health issues during the pandemic includind a kidney infection that wiped me out and had me sleeping and sick for months , caretaking 2 very ill relatives at the same time for 5.5 months with very little help, and now dealing with the aftereffects of the death of one of those relatives, my body has been neglected and looks it. Its gotten very weak from sitting so much during caretaking. I am trying to get back on track slowly. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful and to live in my body.

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Hi Missy. Yes... getting back on track slowly sounds like a good idea. Thanks for sharing. ❤️H

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Striving is human nature, the hunger for purpose is strong. It sounds like you are trying to making peace with the flip side-mastering the art of surrender.

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Hey Karyn. Yes, indeed. Lots of peace to made with the flip side of striving. Thank you for being there. ❤️

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

We’re listening. Thank you for sharing. 💝

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I really appreciate it. Sending love to you guys. H

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Sending love, light and strength, Nancy

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Thank you, Nancy. :)

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Wow. Thank you Hal. I am grateful for the tears. I need help sometimes letting them flow and your beautiful and vulnerable sharing helps the feelings move. Thanks for your honesty. For the affirmations. For the reminders. Sending love and healing prayers everyday (well most days, some days I get lost and forget…).

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I appreciate your comment, Tricia. Yesterday, I lost a subscriber who commented that "It's just too sad." :). I'm grateful for people like you who like to feel. ❤️ h

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Your sharing and experience is so much more than “too sad”. Yes there is sadness, but there is beauty and wisdom and joy and exquisite poignancy. Thanks for continuing to express yourself even in the midst of suffering.

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Thank you Hal. Always touches my heart.

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Thank you for being here, Trish. ❤️

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

One thing I have always appreciated about you is that no matter how much wisdom you ooze you keep a bit of goofy in it. Thanks for the reminder that when striving compromises our life force & vitality, it's time to get more nature & nurture. xo

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Thank you, Betsy. Yes.. I definitely need more nature and nurture. I need to look up the word nurture, but I'm sure I need more of it. Love to you. H (Looking forward to your first newsletter here on Substack whenever that happens. :)

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Thanks Hal. I refer to nurturing in the context of self care & and leaving room for changing needs. This letting go you describe sounds like a lot of grieving. I'm so sorry seeing Hallie might not be possible.

Thanks for the encouragement to write & share. Last night I thought I dreamed your mom was dancing and you were enthusiastically telling those who saw 'she's ninety.' Then I realized it was a tiktok I saw between my first and second sleep. :)

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LOL... distinguishing between dreams and Tiktoks DOES get challenging. :)

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Betsy I found your words profound-when striving compromises our life force-its time for nature and nurture!

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Thank you for your feedback, Shari! I appreciate knowing that the way I expressed this idea worked for you. I need to take it in myself lately as life has been a bit challenging to balance lately. xo

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

I feel you with the striving. I've always felt most alive when I am utterly absorbed with at least one project. I'm afraid I haven't been sitting with myself under trees lately (or ever). It's probably something I should be doing more often. Not sure what would happen ...

Love you, brother ...

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Julia - the ultimate striver. You are an inspiration, sister. Thanks so much for being there for me. ❤️

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