Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

I’m so sorry you’re declining. It’s far, far too common. But you found a day to write, or days to space out writing, and we’re all very grateful. Your message is perfect, as are the flowers. There are those very bad days when there’s no space to consider being present because existing takes everything. Then there are days when pain abates a bit and, present in the moment, creativity is possible. I’m so glad you’re taking advantage of those - no matter how far between they come.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

I love the pics of the wilding garden. The cycle of bloom and bust are all too fast. Gotta love each phase. As you help us to feel- each moment is part of the change as well as feeding the witness self.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

A dance forest of disorder.

Silene between

The sun casting my shadow


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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

Beautiful photos.

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Sorry to hear about losing your friends. Lovely memories. 12 minutes at a time... I get that. We managed a small wildflower patch too. It brings me great joy.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

You write so well. I feel the words. That’s what I always loved about the songs you wrote. They resonated within me. I’m so glad that you have some beauty in your life. Your wild flowers are smiling at you.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

My friend also has a wildflower garden that has become increasingly filled with queens Ann’s lace , goldenrod and milkweed. The butterflies and birds seem happy. Where we see weeds, they see lunch I think. Thank you for reminding us to be in the moment as we travel this life together all of us adding our bit to enrich the life of others.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

I’m speechless. I don’t slow down enough 🙄 to read them all but when I do I’m so inspired by your posts. You’re an amazing human being and it’s a gift to know you.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

Sorry about the loss of your friends. Thank you for the reminder to live in the present and start where we are.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

Just seeing those quietly lovely shots of flowers smiling back at you sharing bliss for a fleeting moment. Glad you are in that moment

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

They tell you this when your babies are born…snap your fingers and they’ll be grown. Turns out it’s true. A new normal awaits me (all of us really…each new day) and I’m not sure I’m ready.

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Hal, this is beautiful, and so well written. Thank you for sharing it with me.

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So beautiful. Thanks for writing and sharing.

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Thank you for sharing this Hal. I love the photos

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Aug 4Liked by Hal Walker

I read your text yesterday evening, sitting on a park bench near to where I live. While walking back home, the rhythm of your words marked my steps. I noticed the flowers, a rose, a dried out hydrangea. I noticed the last rays of sunshine seeping through the tall leaves. Thank you for that.

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Aug 3Liked by Hal Walker

So perfectly conveyed with beautiful flowers. I’m one of those oddballs who photographs the flowers and leaves as they decay. There is a strength and beauty I find there too. Thanks for another great piece and moment to reflect. 🌻

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