Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Thank you for your continued honesty and openness as you let us in on this tough journey of yours. I can always see and hear the spark of creativity, of God/Source/Spirit/Life in you. Sending love.

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Thank you, Kate. :)

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Dear Hal,

Your spirit will never leave all of us lucky people who got to sing with you over those years. In fact, tomorrow at First Church of Pittsburgh we are singing one of your wonderful songs, "Shine On." Remember that you are loved.

Mary Ruth Kelsey

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"Keep the little angels shining on with you..." Thank you. H

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Hi Hal,

I was moved by this post. I've never been to the UUchurch in Kent but I did go to Summer Institute in Oberlin 3 times and watched the videos from it a few summers. I enjoyed your music so much. You with the choir, your stories, and your concerts. I've not been back to Summer Institute for about 7 years but I cannot think about it without thinking about you. You are such a gift to so many. And I can't help but hope this is just a resting period for you and that you will be able to do lots more music in the future. I know It had to be so hard to give that resignation letter. August of 2020 I had to do the same at a job I loved. I cried on the way in to the office and on the way out. I have risk factors that would make it really dangerous for me to work in an elementary school at the front desk which was my job, during covid. They did not know how they would protect us so I retired after 18 years at that school and a total of 10 at other schools. I retired 3 years early. I wasn't ready. I didn't get to say goodbye to teacher friends or the kids because the schools were closed. It was not what I wanted or planned for but after I adjusted for about 6 months I made a retirement that I enjoy and other opportunities have arisen. I wish for you health and some amazing new things to appear in your life.

hugs, Teri

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Thank you for sharing, Teri. Yes... I'm in that adjustment period. H

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

♥️♥️♥️ Sometimes I’ve theorized that the meaning of life is humility but lately I’ve started considering that it’s about softening to life and grief. Both add compassion in the world I think but they can cause a lot of sadness, anger, etc. that feel pretty sucky along the way. Growing pains and awkward phases turn out to happen again in mid-life again. Not sure anyone warns us of that after adolescence. 😅

One thing I believe regardless is that the creative never truly retires or at least not the creativity because it is in your dna so to speak. 😊 Congratulations on retirement and making a very tough decision/step! You’re freeing up your life for a new way to be creative. That creativity is with you everywhere you are, front campus, UU, bed, desk, or low key gliding down the street.

Thinking of you, friend.

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Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate you. H

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Thank you Hal for all you shared with us over the years. I’m so grateful to have been there along with you and all the musicians you inspired. Much love. Trish

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Yes, Trish. You were their the whole time. :) H

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

I loved my UU job. I’m not a competent pianist. I’m a trained conductor and a singer. And a piano tuner. I can get around on the piano but we had real pianists to play the service. The minister decided he wanted one musician not 3 (2 pianists alternated. Grandfathered into the job. ) so when the pianists retired (Covid times) bad minister didn’t renew my contract and hired a 23 year old pianist to do the job. I’ve been broken ever since. All the skills I learned at the conferences in crafting a service and weaving music. There are no other UU churches near who could pay a choir director. I’m lost. My job is 18 months gone. After 7 years. Hot tears.

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You and me both, Lucy. It's not easy letting go. Thank you. Hal

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Hal, as a burned-out pastor I was , to say the least, negative about attending church again. Reluctantly I decided to attend with my now wife Heidi. You are one of the reasons I went back. Your talent, musical skills, and abilities won me over. I looked forward to what you had planned each Sunday. I am amazed at your gifts. I will surely miss seeing you at the piano, hearing you sing, and wondering what new unique instrument you would play that day. Also, thank you for making the videos that helped us survive the pandemic! I also appreciate your work in the music community bringing musicians to church and introducing me to a new folk style music. Thank you for inspiring me and helping me to smile again in church, and touching my heart. You will be around and I will smile when I see you and shake your hand. May the blessings you have shared with so many be returned to you many times over. Peace, love, and keep looking up! Your light is shining brightly!

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Randy... thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad you found your way to Kent and I always enjoy shaking your hand. H

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Sending love and care to you during this time of illness and transition that is filled with grief and uncertainty. Your music and words have touched the hearts and bodies of so many in the UU world. I’m not a native of Southwestern PA and learned about you from former congregants of mine at East Suburban UU Church in Murrysville, PA. They loved your music and looked forward to Summer Institute each year, partly just to see and hear you! I am excited to follow you here on Substack and to hear your voice. I hope the platform will be a fulfilling one for you and a comfortable place to keep sharing your journey with us. With enormous gratitude for your many gifts of ministry~ Rev. Stephanie

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Hi Rev. Stephanie, Thank you for being here and thank you for your kind comment. I'm very grateful to have found this platform for writing down my thoughts. Say Hello from me to all the UU's in your neighborhood. H

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

You said it so beautifully Hal. I came and stayed at the UUCK because of your music and presence all 25 yeats. Many times when my brain was too busy to focus on the sermon, your music settled me and brought me home to my soul

. You said it best, you are angel in this human choir of life- so honored and blessed to have sung with you in it!

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Thank you, sister. ❤️

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Your have such a loving creative soul, Hal, which continue to bless us whether in paid work at the UUCK or as a member. Reading your letter, seeing your paintings, hearing your drumming and watching your Lego building at the community service today, all warm my heart so.

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I've just discovered your Substack today via a friend and I'm so glad to have found you! It's always oddly comforting to find someone else living with the same illness so I'm grateful for what you're doing here.

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Oh good! I'm so glad you found it too. I'm sorry that we share the same darn illness, but I agree, it's good to know that we're not alone. H

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Hal Walker



You are indeed writing that book


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Indeed, yes, Todd. ✌🏼

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

Hal, that congregation was so lucky to have you. I wish I could have come to a service there, just to experience a hundred people that had been tuned over many years into the key of Hal Walker! Much love to you, friend.

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Thank you Benjie. I appreciate your understanding of "tuning" a congregation. That's what we do, I guess. :) H

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Hal Walker

It was my great pleasure to be a part of our choir family. I wish joy to you and that you find that new door to open!!!!!!

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Yes, Jane! You were there the whole time. thank you! H

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You dedicated a lot of years to UU Kent. I know the congregants appreciated you so much! So many memories!! Congratulations on all those years! ♥️♥️♥️

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Thank you, Carol. :)

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I really enjoyed this episode Hal. It helps me to know you better and understand the struggles you have had and are still having. You are very talented and brave. I am proud to call you a friend and pray for you every day. Pat Hixson

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I have always loved your music and we sing one of your songs every now and then in Bellville UU.

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