Mar 19·edited Mar 19Author

I'm always looking for the silver bullet and I'm willing to try anything.

Over the course of the last few years, I've been to regular doctors, acupuncturists, functional medicine doctors, ME/CFS specialists, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners and the doctor we all know so well, Google. Each one has put me on a new protocol that was "sure to help." I buy all the stuff in little bottles and then try it for a while until discovering that it has little or no effect. Then I stop taking the herb or the supplement or the pharmaceutical. The bin pictured in this post is where some of those hoped for remedies have gone to die.

My challenge has been not knowing which healing path to follow and then not sticking with it to the end. The path that I have followed with the most success has been the spiritual path of acceptance, trust and changing my attitude. Everything else was just a lot of money spent on a protocol that didn't work. It's been a big challenge.

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Mar 19Liked by Hal Walker

I have many challenges every day. The pain from my arthritis, fibromyalgia and polymalgia rheumatica is debilitating. Add in asthma, pulmonary hyptertension, and congestive heart failure. I take over 20 prescription medication. Yet I’m doing as well as can be expected physically, I suppose. But it’s my attitude and outlook that gets me through. I am very upbeat, super friendly, always willing to help, have many art projects going on at any given time, I read like there is no tomorrow (and who knows, maybe there won’t be) I love my cat, I have mostly recovered from my broken heart and right now, except for my health, life is good. I do what I can.

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Mar 19Liked by Hal Walker

I’m an addict. Specifically, a marijuana addict. Have been for over 30 years of my life. I’m 384 days sober today.

I’m thankful that I am learning some new tools to deal with ‘life on life’s terms’ these days; anxiety meds, faith, prayer, meetings, fellowship, meditation, step work - therapy.

Prior to this, I really only had one tool up my sleeve. And that was getting high (or drunk).

These days. There’s hope. And faith. And recovery. And service.

I think of you often, and with love. I wish this wasn’t happening to you.

But even from your bed, you are inspiring me. Thank you:)

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I care.

I have always been one to care for others, whether it be my students (I teach fitness), my son (living with ME/CFS), my in-laws and now my husband (living with cancer). I think I feel my best when I am able to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Now, however, I cannot help. I cannot help my son heal from this illness; I cannot do anything when my husband is in pain. I can only be a witness. I’m having trouble with that. Who am I, and what is my worth in this world if I cannot make things better for those I love dearly? I’m still searching for the answer, or rather sitting with the not knowing.

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My name is Daniel. I am currently 43 years old, and I have had Crohn’s disease all of my adult life, (possibly undiagnosed for part of my childhood) to the point where it is now solidly a part of my identity. Pain is part of who I am. I wonder who I would be if it had never reared its ugly head. If the trials and tribulations had not existed. There is no use in wondering these things, as it will not change any current situations. However, I can be grateful that due to this pain, I am able to have compassion and show empathy towards others who are suffering, to a degree where I might not be able to if it were not for my own chronic illness. Also, what unexpected blessings and un-sought after joys would I have missed! The joys that would not be possible if not for the setting of sorrows.

Right now, despite it all, maybe even because of it all, I choose to live my life as long as it is mine to live.

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Mar 19Liked by Hal Walker

Not having family or that someone special in my life..

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Mar 21Liked by Hal Walker

Well Hal, I'm not sure I have the words to adequately say how much I hate todays technology challenges. I have trouble with my phone, my laptop, bank accounts, television, appointments, bill pay and any other item that requires getting around in the maze of todays world. Every time I begin to think I can get something done or check something it gets "updated". No instructions to help me maneuver the mine field. My bank accounts are the worst and just now I had to turn off my laptop for an update. Who knows if that is on the up and up? Guess it helps the scammers. Maybe I've just lived too long. Thought I had lost this writing but managed to find it. Don't even entertain any idea of making appointments or checking anything by phone. Phones get updates weather you want them or not and new functions added which I could care less about. I use few apps now. Is it just another game of the person with most toys(apps) wins? I hate all of it and it just keeps getting more puzzling and out of my reach. I'll just go pout somewhere.

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Initially, this seemed to be a complicated question which would take way more than 200 words to answer. Then I had an epiphany and realized it was really quite simple. Every day for my 76 plus years, I have had to remind myself that I am of value- not for what I do, but for who I am. I know that in my head and maybe some day it will automatically be part of my heart and soul. Still working on it.

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Following instructions. heh. Being new here, somehow I thought you wanted my life story in 200 words. I toiled to tell & edit my life story down into 200 words. I did it…Then reread the prompt! Face-palm. It sounds a little tongue in cheek but it’s actually really deep. As my health gets worse my cognition goes with it and it can be pretty shocking. I’m proud of my education (Ms in early childhood development & BA in theater). It can sound like a cringy brag of sorts but context is everything. It took a long seven years to finish my undergrad with being sick, and having ADD, and family drama, etc. Resilience is what it’s really about although I did & do love both fields that I can’t work in anymore. So, maybe I’ll share my life story someday but for now, I’ll share Tuesdays prompt on Thursday, and try to forgive myself for being so freaking imperfect. Really nice to meet y’all❤️‍🩹.

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